Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Welcome New Blog Followers!

We are so glad that you joined us!  All followers will be entered in a drawing on November 1 for a Longaberger Travel Mug!  Please encourage your friends to follow us, as well.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

I can't believe that I forgot my camera!

We arrived on Thursday afternoon expecting the color to be just about gone - were we ever surprised to find that while the oaks are definitely past their peak, the aspens are gorgeous!  There are some right outside our doors to greet us when we walk out, but the aspens across the valley are vibrant puddles of yellow mixed in with the evergreen sea of trees!  We have had no wind since our arrival so the leaves are staying on pretty well.  I apologize for no pictures of the beautiful trees, but I forgot my camera!

Unfortunately, I have no audio way of transferring the bugle of the elk to you, either. It is an incredible sound.  You need to be here to see and hear everything!
We also had no internet service upon arrival!  Thinking that I was doing something wrong when I rebooted the router and the modem, I called on Mickey to do it correctly.  No go.  Last resort, I called for support.  The repair was swift and painless and the repairman was a talker.  He showed me pictures on his computer of mountain lions he has hunted in this area.  He is a guide when he is not repairing modems.  

Anyway, back to this post.  We came this weekend to be completers: 
  • The deck stain job is complete. 
  • The new telephones are installed. 
  • The gutter drainage is complete. 
  • The gutter straps are on. 
  • The new TV is in our bedroom. 
  • The hot tub is repaired, filled and hot.  
I think that our work here is done... until spring.  So, the new projects for Spring?  Rock the posts under the front deck.  Cover the deck ceilings with wood.  Finish the outdoor cooking area.  Then, maybe we will be ready to start on the flooring.  Whewww - it truly never ends!        

Monday, October 5, 2009

Autumn in the mountains!

This is the most beautiful time in the mountains!  The colors are vivid as we start preparing for winter!
  • Raspberries are picked and a few are frozem
  • Green Chilis are purchased, processed and in the freezer
  • Flannel sheets are on the beds
  • Firewood is split, stacked and a fire is laid
Plan your trip now to the mountains to see us!

Couples' Picnic in the National Forest

We love the National Forest in the fall!

The colors are ourstanding!

The drive up is really pretty.

And the sky is so blue!

It was a little chilly when the wind blew!

But exceptionally nice when it was calm!