Thursday, August 19, 2010

A stopping point for now,

Oh wait, it's Scott and Sadie
taking bags to the truck.
trying the new driveway.

Mickey on the Deere.
Good job!
Loading the trailer.

Let's take a look at the newer driveway.
It is wider than before.
Coming in.
At the back door.
Moving on.
By the south side.
And to the front of the cabin.
Much easier.
We need more gravel,
but not while it is still so wet.
It would be too hard to spread.

Other improvements.
Look closely at this picture.
Can you see the water seeping?
It goes through this drain.
and out the down hill side.

More humming birds
in the evening.

Good night!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Deere and a Bobcat Working Together

Scott shoots a laser thing-a-ma-jigger
(previously known as a transit
before it was a laser treatment).
It checks the slope.
The slope determines how the water
will run or not.
It beeps.
And he knows how much dirt to move.
Pretty impressive, huh?
The Deere and the Bobcat.
Mickey operates the Bobcat.
Scott runs the Deere.
Now the longer, replacement culvert.
Precision digging.
"I think it is a couple of inches
high in the center."
"OK, let's get a reading"
"We need to lower the center
a couple of inches"
Cover it up!
This one needed a little adjustment.
Can you dig it?
The Deere and the Bobcat,

End of the day,
while the humming birds are feeding,
Grace tried to catch one.
They wanted to feed on her beautiful,
red hair.

Planning the next project.
Let's finish up some unfinished projects, first.

Rock and Roll Rodeo

The arena "before"
Remember the BIG pine tree
that we took down
on Memorial weekend?  
This is what is left - a BIG tree stump!
To set it free, Scott had to loosen it...
on all sides,
grab it
and PULL!
Out of shoot #1,
Mickey was ready to lasso it
with a chain.
Up.. Up.. Up
and down the mountain!
Time? 3 hours
Better luck next time, boys!
Out of shoot #2,
Mickey, the Bobcat and the ROCK!
Ride 'em cowboy!
 Going down.
it got away!
Rock and Roll!
He hung on and
wrangled it into
a perfect position.
A record time for Mickey!

Monday, August 16, 2010

A beautiful morning in the mountains!

I love to see the clouds across the valley
when they hang on the mountains.
Look what is parked in the
unloading zone!
Looks like tomorrow is a work day!

And look what I found in the wheel!
It is Sadie!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Goodbye again!

"What happens at the cabin stays at the cabin."
24 bottles of fun...
...and a good time was had by all!

What a beautiful evening!
As the sun sets,
the little humming birds tank up for the night.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Lunch, Longaberger,Laughter

Lunch on the deck.
Longaberger on the deck.
Now this is the way to party-
Longaberger in the mountains!
hmmm... what to order?
Everyone found something!
It was a great party!
Thank you, girls!
Back to scrappin'
Lounging at the stream.
Lovin' the cool, flowing water!