Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Flowers, Forest and Fun!

The flower garden makes me so happy!

After a short hike here this morning, we decided to make a trip to the National Forest for lunch.
 Larry navigated, even though we have been there many times!  We just went part of the way up Forest Road 76 and found a great place.
 A picnic is always fun with my sweet SIL!
 Especially with this background.
 So quiet.
 So peaceful.
 Such enjoyment.
 The Richardson Boys = fun, food, friendship.

 Look at this top!  Just add a sealer and it will be ready to serve!  Thank you Steve and Mickey!

A few close ups of the flowers.

Wii Games this evening got pretty serious.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Road Construction and Landscaping

We've had a pile of gravel outside our gate for several weeks to use on the driveway.  Today must be the day!
Here it comes!
With a quick driver change, the road crew is complete.
That really looks like hard work!  Do you need some help?  Well, let us know if you do!  We won't be gone long!

Debbie and I decided to go shopping in Mora.  Mora?  Really?  What could we possibly shop for there?  Salman Ranch, where I pick raspberries every year, has a 'U Pick It' raspberry farm, a cafe, a cute little store, a beautiful garden and a fun nursery filled with weather hearty annuals, perennials, and vegetables.  This sure looks like a much better alternative than being on the road crew, so off we go!
The perennials, annuals, and vegetables, propagated in five large cold frames, are grown to thrive in the high country of northern New Mexico.     

I found this one particularly interesting because of the bee!

Can you find him here?
Debbie helped me select a few plants and we headed back to find the construction complete and the road really smooth.
After lunch, we went to work. 
 Debbie taught me how to prepare the soil, mixing topsoil with potting soil.  We removed the plants from the nursery pots and separated the bound roots.  Now ready for the ground, pot or hanging basket, they were ready to be watered and top dressed with potting soil.    
 I love my little flower garden and the humming birds and butterflies do, too!  The chipmunks discovered it as well, so I shook red pepper powder all over the flowers.  Beware chipmunks!  These flowers are NOT for you!

Hungry again, we all worked together on dinner.
Mickey helped Steve chicken fry steak, onion rings, jalapenos, squash and zucchini and gravy.  Debbie mashed potatoes.  I made the salad.
 These onion rings are incredible!  Aren't they beautiful?  You should taste them!

Here are the snacks for movie night:
popcorn and movie candy!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Rock Table is Complete and a New Project has Begun!

Look who showed up this morning!
Hungry, of course!
"Little Bear, we are NOT your friends!
We will NOT feed you!"
"Wait, that is for the Mountain Jays!
Little Bear, you must go home!"
Moving on to our next project,  our bar/server/buffet needs to be rebuilt. We really need more counter space and the little refrigerator should be enclosed in it.
First there is the usual demolition, but it was minimal.  Next, comes the new construction.
Remove a little here and add a little there and soon we have a new look! 
The big debate on this project has been the top.  A final decision has been made.
Could this be it?

And... back to the rock project!
Mickey helped Larry mix the grout.
Steve helped with the final stages.

Time for a break!
All work and no play?
No way!

The finishing touches.

We all love it!
What are your thoughts?

Good times together!

And the food?
Beef and/or chicken.
Assorted fresh vegetables from the Diamond R in East Texas!
A spinach and lettuce salad.
Grilled fruit and pound cake for dessert.
We love shish-ka-bobs!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Family and Food and Fun!


Terry had to go back to Ruidoso today for work, but Larry stayed.
Steve built this great table for Larry and our project is to put a top on it.  I guess it is kind of a mosaic.  Larry is a rock hound and has quite a collection.  There is jasper, petrified wood, blue calcite, quartz, crazy lace agate, amethyst, lapis, and amazonite.  Just to name a few.  (This made Debbie and I think about jewelry shopping.)  He brought sliced rocks for this project and they are most unusual!   
Debbie is really good at putting puzzles together, but she has no picture to go by.  So, she and Larry designed their own.  It was amazing to see this creation take shape.
Meanwhile, Mickey and Steve got the smoker started
and the meats prepped and in the smoker.
And, back at the table, we decided to sign the bottom.
Thin set mixed and ready.
Let the creative juices flow!
This work in progress was so much fun to watch!
The steps that you wouldn't think of, but Steve did.
Checking and leveling.  Can you see the beauty?

Our firewood needed some attention, so I straightened and secured the ends.  Debbie taught me how to stack these logs in a log cabin shape on the ends of the stack.  It is called end pins.  No more logs falling off the stack!
Now this is a fun little kitchen gadget!  Or maybe I should say grilling gadget?  It can be used in the oven or for a smokey flavor, try them on the grill!  Thank you, Terry!  These are not so pretty, but oh so yummy!  We will try for pretty later.
The stress is off today.

Apparently, the smoker drew an unexpected visitor!  He is about a year old and his mama is not around.  He seems to be fending for himself just fine.  He is out early.  Debbie has been here every Memorial weekend for several years and has never seen a bear here.  It may be a long summer of the bears!