Monday, June 27, 2011

Saturday Evening Post?

A few days late, but...
Still preparing for GKC.
 T Shirts!
T Shirts!
T Shirts!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

See you at GKC 2011!

Warning to the chipmunks:
We have grandkids, and they have BB guns.
That is all.

Almost ready for move in (on) upon our return! 

Grand Kids Camp starts in just two weeks! 
 We are so very excited and are planning
a fun, fun, fun camp!
Watch for daily postings
July 2 - July 9!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Returns

The return of morning coffee on the front deck.
Good morning, coffee!
Good morning, mountains!
Good morning, cool temperatures!

 Good morning, migas!
Thank you, Pioneer Woman!

The return of the counter top project.
Three coats of sealer.
The return of Little Bear.
He looks hungry.
Nothing here for you, Little Bear!

The return of the flower garden.
With a nice addition of geraniums. 
Thank you Cory, Christi & boys!

Return of the front deck furniture to the back patio.
 It belongs here.
 Come sit a spell...
and have a meal with us.

The return of the zip line.
It has been down for a long time! 
The road is now complete, so up with it!
  Who wants to be first?

Friday, June 17, 2011

Four Wheelers and Flowers!

Sadly, our Toyota Trunda truck has been replaced, but we are really liking the King Ranch Ford truck .  The crew cab makes a huge difference in room!  And we filled it today for a run to the mountains!  With Grandkids Camp quickly approaching there are many things to gather and prepare. 

4 Wheelers were first on the list, along with crafts and food.  Load 'em!  Everything fit with room to spare! 

The trip was no shorter, but much more comfortable and the diesel engine pulls a loaded trailer easier.

Since our last departure from the mountains, my concern has been my flowers.  When we left, the chipmunks were planning a feast at my expense!  I guess that the chili powder and red pepper flakes worked... with one exception...  the beautiful Red Hot Poker.  Something ate the flower!  Who's been eating my flowers?  I'm going on a chipmunk hunt!  Actually, it could have been so much worse.  At least the plant is still there. 

There was just too little water, so I think that we can improve the soaker hose to water more effectively and add more of the hot stuff.  I am very thankful to find the flower garden still here!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Saturday Evening Post

Preparing for GKC 2011!

Grandkids Camp is one of the highlights of our year.  This Saturday evening, we are looking ahead a few weeks to GKC 2011, July 2 - 9.  Our 2011 theme is Cooking Camp.  Unfortunately, the lack of rain will play a big factor in our outdoor cooking, as in "no campfires" and I honestly don't know how we will make it through the week without campfires!  Laying a fire often starts in the morning and no later than 3 PM with something like this, "PawPaw, can we start gathering wood for our campfire tonight?" and ends hours later.  You know, there is just something about boys and girls and fire.  But we will have a great time, anyway.  We are busy gathering, planning and preparing, taking our vitamins and exercising!  Hopefully, we will be in shape in three weeks!  Yikes, it  will be here soon!  Be sure to check back for continuing preparations for camp!  

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Saturday Evening Post

A Band of Brothers.
The Richardson Boys.
We had a fun week together.
Thank you for the fun, the food and the family love!
(They are all really good cooks and craftsmen.)

 OK, I will now try to name the flowers.  Here goes.
Achillea (left)
Salvia (center)
Lavandula (right)

Kniphofia (a.k.a. Red Hot Poker)

Oh no, I forgot!  And, I can't find it in my High Country Gardening Catalog & Handbook (a.k.a. cheat sheet).  Four out of five isn't bad, right?  80%?  Can anyone help me? 



I was so happy to discover that most of the flowers are deer and rabbit resistant, like humming birds and butterflies, are waterwise and like sun.  The problem is that none are marked as chipmunk resistant.  Big problem.  We dusted them with red pepper and red pepper flakes and we left a drip hose in place.  I took lots of pictures to remember them when we return in case the chipmunks win.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Last Day, Last Projects

Mickey had an idea for shade on the new patio.  The west sun is pretty intense in the afternoon.   
They attached shade cloth to a 1X4. 
 And attached the 1X4 to the beam.
 Across the bottom is attached a metal rod that fits into brackets on the sides to secure it.  It is working great and we enjoyed the shade all day.  It also blocks a good amount of wind.
Moving on to the last project, when we replaced the top on the server in the house, we salvaged the old one for exterior use.  
Notice the aspen log braces.  We had them under the front deck, waiting for a purpose!  Love this rustic look!
 Add a few Texas style decorations and bar stools and we have a Texas Bar!
Have you ever seen a Humming Bird this close?  Isn't he pretty?

 How about a game of Farkle?

It is such a game of chance, but fun!  We do keep score, but are not real competitive.  Lucky for me, as I am unsure about this: am I not competitive because I am not good, or am I not good because I am not competitive?  Anyway, I won!

Join us at the Texas Girls Bar!
Me and my FSIL, Debbie,

More Humming Birds on the front deck.
These are amazing little creatures!

We cooked these Stuffed Jalapenos in the oven.  I think that they cooked more evenly and were almost as tasty as they are grilled.