Sunday, July 29, 2012

The morning we leave...

Our visitor...

Meanwhile, inside...

Everything's back in order.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Ya'll come back now, ya hear?

We hope you had a safe trip home.
We enjoyed your visit!
Please plan to come again soon!
We will try to get carpet on those stairs
by the time you return.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

After the sun sets

It was a beautiful evening!
After dinner, we headed out.
Because it was really cool and dark,
Mickey lit a small fire.
Having a great time!
darkness approaches
Good night!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Random thoughts from the mountains

We love our scrapbookers!
 Removing summer fire hazards 
and insuring warm winter fires.
 Humming birds

 It's fun to find another Red Hot Poker!
 and a tiny white butterfly!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Saying Goodbye

We have enjoyed our time at the cabin
with Crissy's family. 
Mornings on the front deck with 
coffee, conversation and Charlotte!  
And a BEAR!

Back in Amarillo, we were able to get almost all of our
family in a picture.
Mickey, Betty, Jack, Christi, Cory, Crissy
Will, Holly Grace, Grant
Brock, Charlotte, Mitchell
Who is missing?
John, we missed you!

 Charlotte and her new American Girl Doll
 Holly and Mitchell
 Amarillo International Airport
Hey, let's do it again next year!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Talk to me, people!

We have heard that some of you have tried to leave a comment, but are unable to do so. This makes me so sad, so please don't give up! Please try again! We have changed some settings to make it easier and posted the instructions below. To leave comments on our blog: At the end of the post that you desire to comment on, click on NO COMMENTS or (1) COMMENT and enter your thoughts. Then, just click on Publish and you are done. Now, go forth and comment! Please feel free to leave a practice comment on this post.  We are anxious to hear from you!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Inside and Out

Our new sign!
 A little outside work...
 after the chain saw,
 the removal begins.
 Many hands
and a couple of 4 Wheelers 
make light work!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Projects, Projects, Projects

 Prospectors' Mystery Rock Project.
 Chemistry Set.
 Hot tub projects.


The band aid project.
Charlotte came running in this afternoon proclaiming,
"Grammy, hurry I need a band aid!  Holly is bleeding!"
Me, "OK, where is Holly bleeding?"
Charlotte, "At the tree house!"
Me, "Where on Holly's body is the blood?"
Charlotte, "Oh, on her leg.  Hurry, Holly needs a band aid NOW!"

It's always fun to watch PawPaw.
What does this mean?
Maybe... Shadrach, Meshech, & Abednego?
Waiting for the fiery furnace? 
 No, just changing the water filters!
 Thanks for the entertainment, PawPaw!