Friday, September 28, 2012

Red River in the Fall

We had Dinner last night in Las Vegas, NM
at the Plaza Hotel and we highly recommend it.
The service, food and atmosphere were all great!  

After morning coffee in the hot tub and breakfast, 
we headed to Red River.
It is such a warm and quaint mountain getaway 
and the fall foliage was a bonus!
It just keeps getting better.  

This retaining wall was an inspiration for our need.

Back at the cabin, Mickey mixed his first martini.

He and Doris enjoyed them.

We had a fun evening cooking, 
laughing and playing games!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wine, Silver and Gold

The wine is finished and is safely aging in the wine cellar.
Well, now it is a wine cellar.

Don't you want to turn this photo around to
find the right position?

The wine will remain here for three to six months.
When we are feeling really brave,
we will try it. 


Terri and I were best friends in high school,
we were attendants in each others' weddings,
then busy lives interrupted our friendship.
We reconnected a couple of years ago through Facebook.
After more years than I want to admit, we picked up again
just as if it had been yesterday.
A little childhood song rings in my heart.
"Make new friends, but keep the old
One is silver and the other gold."
I am certain that we will stay connected, now.

Rainy and Cool

Our new favorite card game, Hand & Foot.

We were blessed with the beauty of fall color and moisture.
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Red River Roadtrip

A day trip to Red River. 

Bobcat Pass.

Picnic by the river.

Gary is definitely in his element.

Just look at that trout
and that smile!

Back to the wine!

Gary and Terri, our dear friends from high school
(and yes we could tell some stories)
came for a visit.
As if it were an option,
we asked them to help us with the wine project.


Well, the funnel doesn't work too well.

Cleaning it off.

Filling the proper way.

Gary is prepared.

Finishing it.

Last bottle.


Ready to age.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A Time Sensitive Project

We couldn't leave until the wine was ready 
for one of the last steps in this process.
It is definitely a time sensitive project.

Cleaning and Disinfecting the tools.

Racking (transferring) the wine.

Cleaning and disinfecting the carboy
(the big bottle).

Racking the wine to the carboy.

Now we wait two to three weeks
for the wine to clarify.

Looking pretty!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Good Friends, Good Food, Good Fun!

The last big chore was completed this morning
when the cross ties were all in place.

Our homeowner's lunch included NM friends 
and required a dessert.

So this lemon twist pound cake with raspberries
was my contribution.

 But, our afternoon plans were with
Amarillo friends.

Mickey cooked burgers and chicken
with green chilies and cheese.

 What a fun group!

So here we are!

The patio provided a relaxing afternoon.

We are thankful for Amarillo friends in the mountains!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Wild Tablecloth Chase!

Scouting for firewood yielded quite a crop this morning!



Ready to burn!

Yesterday, while in Santa Fe, we had lunch at Cafe Castro
The food was marginal,
but the tablecloths were very CUTE!

As we were leaving, I asked about them
and was told that they are sold on the Plaza.
My source also had heard that they were available
at Jackalope and it was just across the street,
(where we discovered the HUGE hats).
I located the colorful cloths and gasped 
at the price of $49.  No way!
Thinking that Hobby Lobby would likely have the fabric,
we stopped there.
As I questioned the salesperson in fabrics,
she informed me that even though they didn't carry it, 
it was available at a new fabric store 
across from Trader Joe's.  Going there, anyway!
Unfortunately, there was no fabric store visible from Trader Joe's.
We asked a clerk, but received little more information.
I Googled "fabric stores" on my iPhone maps
and off we went to Santa Fe Fabrics.
The bright, bold oilcloth fabrics were featured outside the store
with a great selection inside.
AND they were $10 per yard!
At 48" width, of course I needed 1 1/3 yard.
Mickey helped, OK he drew the circle and I cut it out.
So what do you think?

I hope that it doesn't tone down the newly painted
table too much!

Thinking of how to use it tomorrow...