The prediction is for a cold, hard winter.
Our fear is running low on firewood.
The answer is the Diamond R.
Steve and Debbie, my FBIL and FSIL,
own a farm/ranch (The Diamond R) in East Texas
and are always happy to share their
plentiful supply of wood with the family.
Thank you, Steve and Debbie for your generosity!
In return, they get a little help removing dead trees.
Believe me, there are lots of them in East Texas!
Well, a few less now.
The farm is a great family retreat.
We celebrate Mother's Day, birthdays, and fall here.
The fall get together is to cut wood.
This year, it is an unofficial gathering
with just a few of us who invited ourselves out
to insure that we stay warm this winter.
Steve and Nani Dot rode out with us from Dallas
and Debbie arrived after her cut and color appointment.
A little later, our nephew, Bart (Steve's son) also arrived.
The barn is our official meeting spot.
The barn's official owner is the boss.
One of the huge, healthy trees.
The fallen tree.
The tools:
Steve's tractor.
Mighty major log splitter!
Assessing the damage.
Brother's duet.
The mighty major doing it's job!
Making the job easier.
And, it's down.
Loaded to go.
Left behind.
Off to the mountains with the loot...
I mean wood!