Saturday, March 30, 2013

Spring is in the Air!

Twisted Sisters. 
  Limbs removed from a tree that had been down for a long time and have a unique, twisted shape.
 This little cart was a fun item that belonged to my daddy.  It comes in handy when we need to move firewood.  During our tire crises last year, we purchased about eighteen tires.  This trailer received 2 new wheels and tires.  It is back in the mountains where it will be pulled behind a 4-wheeler.  Watch for it fiilled with firewwod, tools or grandkids!
Our evenings by the fire are priority.
 We have never seen sap on an aspen tree.
 And look at these buds!
Help!  This cry goes out to my FSILs who always help me with my flowers.  Pretty pitiful, huh?  Well, no need to fret, Mother's Day is the earliest planting day here.  Who knows?  We could get another huge Spring snow of 18" or more.  We would love to see a deep, wet spring snow to help our dry conditions.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Back Again!

15 Jays + 7 Deer = 2 Happy Cabin Owners!
  We hear the jays calling their friends when they find food.

The deer quietly bring their friends with them.
For four days, we have enjoyed seeing the deer.  On the first day, there were four and the group eventually became seven.  Tomorrow, we will not be there to feed.  I hope that they will come back when we return.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Saturday and Sunday Evening Posts

Because of a power interruption, the
The Saturday Evening Post
is arriving a day late.
For three days now, the deer have returned each morning.  Having been eliminated from their trail several years ago, we are now honored to be reinstated.  Our fear is that when we leave and no corn appears each morning, the deer will leave again. 
 But for now, we will enjoy their appearance.
 At about 8:30, they send a scout.
 We welcome them with corn. 
 Will the Jays share?
 By pairs, they arrive.
 No ark here, though,
Timid and hungry!  
 The Jays reluctantly concede.
 A mother-daughter pair enjoy the hot tub.
 While some guests are scrap booking, some are napping, some are reading and all are relaxing. 
Sunday morning arrived with some moisture and a pretty mountain snow view for us to enjoy.  
 And once again, the deer entertain us.
 I love the fact that they are back.
 They are such fun to watch.
 I may feel differently when my flower garden entices these cute deer.  They may not be quite so cute then.
 The traditional group photo.  Thank you for coming.  We always enjoy having you visit.  Ya'll come back, now, ya hear?
Quick change weather. 
 About an hour later.
 Another hour later.
 Again, an hour later.
And, another hour later.
We are so very thankful for any moisture, but that blue sky is so pretty!  What
weather do you prefer? 

Friday, March 15, 2013

Fawn, Fowl and Favorite Food

 Look who arrived for breakfast!
We haven't entertained deer in several years and are so happy to see them!

Corn was delivered and they ate for about an hour to entertain us during our breakfast.  Apparently, there were two doe and two fawns.  They were so darn cute that everyone wanted to touch their velvety ears, but pictures would have to suffice. 

People food this morning included mountain muffins and mini blueberry muffins. 
And of course, fruit.
A yummy salad
and an old favorite, my mother-in-law's lasagna!

So the Stella Jays (Mountain Jays) arrived in time for dinner, so out with the bird seed and more corn.
Who will show up tomorrow?

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Final Preparations

Today is our food prep day.  We are planning for a group of friends for a weekend retreat and we love prep work.  
 There was bacon and sausage to fry.
 Chicken to cook and eggs to boil.
 Add a little fun with some dry ice.  It was left from a gift box of Omaha Steaks.  The steaks are wonderful, but the ice chest they arrive in is a gift in itself.  The dry ice is an added bonus.
 Back to the food at hand.  Chicken is for a couple of dishes.
 All this cooking made us hungry.  Fortunately, the head chef (and it isn't me) planned ahead for our lunch by cooking extra bacon.  With it, we decided on bacon sandwiches and cole slaw.  Yum Yum.
 On a short hike, we found the waterfall isn't working and a quick check revealed a cracked pipe as a result of the recent freezing winter weather.  This will require some time in the next couple of days.   
The last of the meat preparation for the weekend.  And we are ready for our guests.  Hopefully, I will remember to photograph the completed food as we serve it. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Company is Coming!

  There is a lot to do before company comes, especially, after winter snows, wind and cold weather.  Spring is surely just around the corner.  Our temperature was very pleaant today.
The instalation of the blue ray has begun.  I don't pretend to understand it, but apparantly, a computer is needed to program the remotes.  With our tech guys both on the East Coast, we are in trouble.  Tomorrow a phone converstation will occur with Logitech.  Thankfully, I am not involved.
I can't even keep up with the blue ray still in the box!  Yes, we lost it.  Fortunately, we had an extra in Amarillo.  They were on sale at Thanksgiving and we bought two.  Four months later, here we are.  We put this off as long as possible.  
 Mr Patience stays with it and will finish it. 
 I headed outside to look for signs of Spring.
None in the flower garden.
 A little rerouting of furniture that had been moved around by the strong winter winds   
 and fluffing the pillows readies our outdoor areas!
 Little snow remains on the North side.
 The hot tub is warm and inviting.
 The sunset is beautiful.

Tomorrow evening, comets should be visible.
Come on up!