Thursday, September 10, 2009

Roofing - Day 6

No rain today!

Mickey and Steve, "Measure twice, cut once!"
Cory and Brad
Mickey and Steve
Cory and Brad
Cory and Brad (top)
Steve and Mickey (bottom)
Brad is moving up!
Cory with the cordless drill in his right hand.
Cory with the cordless drill in his left hand.
Brad is moving the ladder from below as Cory steps off.
All done for the day, Cory is no longer tied off.
Loading to go home.
Thank you, Brad!
One last look at his work.
Thank you, Cory!
We could not have done it without you guys! 
The boys are gone and the 'old folks' are left to finish the job.
I am not a roofer and I don't like being a roofer!
I prefer to be the girl in the kitchen.
No pictures this afternoon - the photographer was roofing.
Come back Cory!
Come back Brad!

1 comment:

  1. I'm still not sure this wasn't just a vacation for Brad disguised as roofing. You spoiled him too much!
