Welcome to GKC 2011!
Cooking Camp!
It is an electronic age: this year we have 2 portable DVD Players, 2 Leapsters, 3 Nintedo DSs, 3 iTouches and a cell phone, not to mention the 2 old fashioned and outdated Blackberries that we old folks use. Amazing! I should have taken an electronics class for this! There are enough cords, chargers and wires here to hang us all and still have plenty left to charge something! In fact, hang on, while I go check on the battery levels, please.
OK, I removed the last Leapster and DVD player. Did I mention that each device has a different charging system? Oh yes, the Leapsters have a plug in, a charger AND a backup battery! The portable DVD Players were charged, but who knows if I used the right charger or not? Please keep in mind that I have trouble with keeping charged batteries in my camera!
Lest you think that we are all about these entertainment forms, please understand that we see their advantages (especially when travelling) but we keep them in their place. They have been confined to our limitations and along with the electronics are about two dozen books and books on CD and lots of crafts and outdoor acivities to fill the coming week.
We started our camp with a little T-Shirt Ceremony.
There was a time of applauding each grandchild with praises, followed by the awarding of two camp t-shirts.
Holly Grace
Fort Lodmell. Jack had this fun surprise for us to see upon arrival!
No time for sitting around, people!
We have places to go and animals to see!
The American Quarter Horse Museum!
With fun statues.
And cool rides!
Interesting exhibits!
Will in the Western saddle.
Brock doing a little trick riding!
Grant, start your engines!
Oh no, wait, I mean, "Giddy up!"
Isn't this a little strange?
These are actual horse pills filled with M&Ms and
Lemon White Chocolate Suppositories! My friend, Robin is a Pharmacist with a great sense of humor! Love these and the kids do, too!
Now back to business, the cooking business!
But, first we really need hats!
On with the Kid Decals - really lovin' these!
(Will have a quick review when the laundry is complete and a full review at the end of the week.)
Grant and Holly season the patties.
Charlotte toted them to the grill!
Jack slicing.
Will Slicing.
Brock is trying to clean up the aftermath and he did a great job!
Just happy...
to be together.
Brock is a bit of a contortionist and Charlotte is impressed.
What a fun surprse this is! There is a bag for me and one for PawPaw! Can you tell which one goes to whom? Oh, and please keep this quiet. We really don't want to share with these pesky kids... uh, I mean sweet grandchildren! Thank you Cory and Christi!
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