Friday, June 29, 2012

GKC 2012 - Day 2

Is it really any surprise that I forgot to publish the post last night? 

There are no pictures for today.  I'm saving my camera for the train ride tomorrow.  It is in the process of toilet training.

Actually, the day started out great!  It was a cereal topped with ice cream kind of day!  Added bonus was a choice of flavors: vanilla, chocolate or strawberry or any combination.  You just never know what Grammy and Paw Paw will think of next!

We had someone want to look at our house this morning!  I knew that this would probably happen.  The kids truly rose to the occasion.  They got ready for the day, bags packed, beds made, clean up done and they went outside to play.  We loaded the vehicles, completed the make ready and took a snack outside to the kids just before our 10 am showing.  It went very well.

Our departure time was around noon with arrival about 4:30.  Everyone was so glad to be here.  We unloaded, unpacked and checked on the bird nest.  The four tiny pink eggs had turned into four tiny soft sleeping baby birds!  Everyone took a turn at seeing them.  Surely, I will have a picture tomorrow.

The usual fun at the cabin this evening included checker games, zip line, tree house, BB and Pellet guns and exploring.  Holly helped make dinner.   We had chicken, buttered noodles, green beans and crescent rolls.  Dinner conversation included highs and lows for the day.

Everyone was ready for bed early.  We have an early and busy day planned for tomorrow.  Maybe there will be pictures, too!  

Thursday, June 28, 2012

All Aboard!

All aboard for GKC 2012! 
We met at the BNSF "Madame Queen" Steam Locomotive Exhibit 
located in downtown Amarillo.  
We were surprised to find that it is a work in progress 
and the workers there welcomed us to come inside.
 Checking it out.
 The cousins in the engine.
 Conductor Grant
 Ready to ride the rails!
After a quick sandwich,
there was time for couple of games. 
 Pictionary Jr
 Apparently, there is some unrest.

The best option for a 107 degree afternoon is a cool movie theater.
We saw The Journey 2 The Mysterious Island
and topped it off with snow cones.

 The after dinner meeting included a discussion over ice cream.
 As the temps dropped to below 85,
we ventured outside to shoot fireworks!

 Sparkling fountains
 Helping hands
 Horny Toad distraction.
"This is normally a nice quiet neighborhood",
said the toad to the tall kid. 
 Choosing the pyrotechnics suitable for after dark.
 The best way to light a Sparkler is with another Sparkler!
 When the punk was no longer effective,
the flare was introduced.
 At the end of the day, there was little left...

Just a couple of minor burns.
Lots of pyrotechnic experience.
And just plain ole fun!  

So, I've often wondered... what would I do if something that I love fell in the toilet?  Would it be worth getting out?  Would I just replace it?  Would it demand removal or simply go on down?  Would it matter if it was my toilet, a friend or relatives' or a public one?  oh yes, tonight I found out.  Instinct kicked in and I immediately reached for my camera, retrieved it and grabbed a towel.  Why was my camera in the bathroom?  And exactly how did it leave my pocket and meet the toilet?  It seems that in the process of bending to pick up a piece of paper (no, not that kind) to put in the trash basket, the camera disengaged from it's position and landed in the abyss, I mean the toilet.  I was almost in tears as I removed the battery and the card.  My hero placed all the parts in a baggie with all the silica gel packets that he could find.  Obviously, the card is unharmed, but the rest is in a state of uncertainty.        

Thursday, June 14, 2012

I'm so glad we had this time together! Just to ride and play and eat a meal or two!

Does anyone remember Carol Burnet?
Anyway, it has been a fun week...
 watching the humming birds,
 new discoveries,
playing FARKLE, crafting, laughing,
cooking, eating, learning,  
NBA finals, feeding Jays, bear watching,
a fox appearance,
chipmunk hunting, squirrel feeding,
laughing and making memories
and scrapbooking!
Thank you for coming!
Thanks for the memories!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Mama Bird Update and a confession

What a way to start the day-

 Cream Soda
 and Farkle!
 Update: Mama Bird in her cozy nest with her eggs!
 Afternoon ride
 around the neighborhood.
Craft time. 
 What is it?
 a tape measure.
 Teaching Jacob how to use it.
 Wait, he already knows how!
 OK, I confess.
I hired a hit man.
The chipmunks are eating my flowers.
I put out a contract.

A deal was made
and delivery occurred.
Well done, Jacob!
Burgers, beans and fries!

Not having seen the bear all day,
we felt confident that he had moved on.
However, while sitting outside after dinner, he appeared. 
He showed up for dinner, but was too late.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Bear, Baby Birds, Bracelet, Beauty, Brother and Books

Our morning visitor!
 Apparently, he smelled bacon.
 Maybe he found the grease.
 "Don't even think about it."
That is only for humming birds.
 Just move along.
 Found on the rear bumper of the Jeep.
So, I guess we won't be driving it for a while.
 Crafting with Jacob.
 Nice bracelet, Jacob.
 The beauty of the mountains!
 A little zip line repair.
 Another wild Farkle game!
 My brother and me.
 Stuffed Jalapenos
 Studying the World Atlas?
Tuesdays With Morrie
 Hiking with my brother who has had both knees replaced!
A trip to the tree house.