Friday, June 29, 2012

GKC 2012 - Day 2

Is it really any surprise that I forgot to publish the post last night? 

There are no pictures for today.  I'm saving my camera for the train ride tomorrow.  It is in the process of toilet training.

Actually, the day started out great!  It was a cereal topped with ice cream kind of day!  Added bonus was a choice of flavors: vanilla, chocolate or strawberry or any combination.  You just never know what Grammy and Paw Paw will think of next!

We had someone want to look at our house this morning!  I knew that this would probably happen.  The kids truly rose to the occasion.  They got ready for the day, bags packed, beds made, clean up done and they went outside to play.  We loaded the vehicles, completed the make ready and took a snack outside to the kids just before our 10 am showing.  It went very well.

Our departure time was around noon with arrival about 4:30.  Everyone was so glad to be here.  We unloaded, unpacked and checked on the bird nest.  The four tiny pink eggs had turned into four tiny soft sleeping baby birds!  Everyone took a turn at seeing them.  Surely, I will have a picture tomorrow.

The usual fun at the cabin this evening included checker games, zip line, tree house, BB and Pellet guns and exploring.  Holly helped make dinner.   We had chicken, buttered noodles, green beans and crescent rolls.  Dinner conversation included highs and lows for the day.

Everyone was ready for bed early.  We have an early and busy day planned for tomorrow.  Maybe there will be pictures, too!  

1 comment:

  1. What a fun 2 days so far!!! I can't believe your camera fell in the potty!! I hope you wake up and it has decided to work!! I love the pix of the kids!! Thank you!!! We've been busy today too! Can't wait to show you!!!
