Thursday, August 30, 2012

Raspberry Fields Forever!

Every year, I pick raspberries here.
I spent about 45 minutes
and came home with 4 pounds!

This year, the $5 per pound price included 
a container for picking and another one for
carry out.  This is the carry out.  Pretty flimsy, huh?
I have always taken my own basket,
which they measure empty and full.
I won't go without my own basket again.
The picking container had no handles
and the carry out container had only one.
Poorly designed!
It is really hard to lift branches, pick off berries 
and juggle the container.

Prepared to freeze.

Ready to eat!

Oh and my latest project. 


  1. I love this cabinet!! So pretty!!! And I love how you moved the contents of the previous cabinet to under the stairs. Nice!!! This is really pretty Betty!!
