Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Deere and a Bobcat Working Together

Scott shoots a laser thing-a-ma-jigger
(previously known as a transit
before it was a laser treatment).
It checks the slope.
The slope determines how the water
will run or not.
It beeps.
And he knows how much dirt to move.
Pretty impressive, huh?
The Deere and the Bobcat.
Mickey operates the Bobcat.
Scott runs the Deere.
Now the longer, replacement culvert.
Precision digging.
"I think it is a couple of inches
high in the center."
"OK, let's get a reading"
"We need to lower the center
a couple of inches"
Cover it up!
This one needed a little adjustment.
Can you dig it?
The Deere and the Bobcat,

End of the day,
while the humming birds are feeding,
Grace tried to catch one.
They wanted to feed on her beautiful,
red hair.

Planning the next project.
Let's finish up some unfinished projects, first.

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