Friday, March 12, 2010

We are all here.

Sometimes things just don't happen fast enough.
Like, waiting for your cousins to arrive.
So, maybe you get all snugly with PawPaw.
And cover his feet.
Or share your night night with Grammy.
And even teach her how to use your favorite corner.
Then, to pass the time, you run the
vacuum cleaner.
And feed the birds.
And hang out with PawPaw.
Then something totally out of the ordinary occurs.
Instead of just little trianges (as ordered),
your PBJ arrives standing!
It kind of looks like a spider web,
or a tunnel
or maybe a volcano!  
When you finally give in and start to enjoy life,
suddenly your dreams come true!
Brock arrives with Grant and Will
and Uncle Cory and Aunt Christi.
Will determined to clear snow to allow drainage.
He didn't even use a teapot, just a snow shovel.
He was rewarded with a full half hour
of uninterrupted time on the 4 wheeler!
So, it wasn't all about Charlotte today.
Cory and his dad.
Cory and his mom.
Cory and his beautiful wife, Christi.
Cory and Brock and Charlotte.
Will worked hard and is tired.
Jack and Will in a hot game of checkers.
I am so happy to have all my kids and grandkids here.

1 comment:

  1. Just lovely! I hope you all have a wonderful time together!!! I love that first picture of Charlotte! Too cute! When the Lodmell kids are done with their cousins, James kindly requests to send them back his way. :)
