What a beautiful snowfall!
We were out early to take pictures.
We knew that the kids would have big plans
for playing in the snow.
But, first there was a new WII game
for the adults to play.
An edible craft is always fun
and can sometimes serve as a distraction.
What could you do with an apple and gummy worms?
Tweet Tweet,
little birdie!
So while this fun craft was a great diversion
for the kids,
the parents and PawPaw were outside
making snowballs.
We headed outside...
Grant showed me his snow cave.
And then it began
with an ice chest full of snowballs!
It was such fun!
Some were stockpiled.
Some were handled quickly.
And they kept coming!
Cory is an excellent marksman.
Jack was lovin' the fun!
There was plenty of laughter.
And some contemplation.
Much enjoyment.
And sweet victory!
The kids hunker in their bunker!
Then, off to the tree house project
to add a rope ladder.
Holly Grace tried it out.
Cory couldn't resist another snowball.
Will loves to ride even in the snow.
Time to open the range!
Shamrocks were the targets.
Jack and Will are skillful.
Crissy shot well, too.
Just enough time for a quick game of farkle
before bedtime.
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