Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Bear, Baby Birds, Bracelet, Beauty, Brother and Books

Our morning visitor!
 Apparently, he smelled bacon.
 Maybe he found the grease.
 "Don't even think about it."
That is only for humming birds.
 Just move along.
 Found on the rear bumper of the Jeep.
So, I guess we won't be driving it for a while.
 Crafting with Jacob.
 Nice bracelet, Jacob.
 The beauty of the mountains!
 A little zip line repair.
 Another wild Farkle game!
 My brother and me.
 Stuffed Jalapenos
 Studying the World Atlas?
Tuesdays With Morrie
 Hiking with my brother who has had both knees replaced!
A trip to the tree house.


  1. OH! I hope those baby birds have hatched and are learning to fly when we get there!
